If interest rates are lower than when you were initially given a loan, you may be able to save alot of money by refinancing. The question usually is, “Exactly how much might you be able to save?” Mortgage rates were…
Category: Money Management
I’m interested in the cost of everything so I tend to track a lot of things, especially when it comes to my finances. As a result, I have all sorts of statements and bills either filed away or electronically saved…
Apparently 1 in 4 people age 24 to 41 have at least $100,000 in savings or retirement accounts. Maybe you can use this news to ask yourself how long it would take you to have $100,000 in the bank. If…
To be Money Elite, you need to maximize income from spending, which just means you need to earn money from spending. One of the simplest and easiest ways to do this is by using a high rewards credit card. In…