Haven’t Been This Stimulated In Over Ten Years

Off the top of your head do you know about how much in stimulus payments your family has received over the past 12 months? I read and follow a lot of economic and political news, but with so many different stimulus bills over the past year I wasn’t exactly sure about the answer myself so I had to look it up. A qualifying family of four would have received $11,400 over the last 12 months:

I haven’t been this stimulated by the government since they gave me $8,000 to buy my condo in 2009. 😅

Eligible parents with children under the age of 17 will also see their 2021 child tax credit increase from $2,000 per child to as much as $3,600 per child, so 2020 and 2021 will definitely be pleasant tax years for those with younger children.

Stimulus checks are nice and all but everything has a cost.

I’m not saying the stimulus checks were totally unnecessary, but they definitely should have been a lot more targeted and gone to the people who really needed it. Anybody horrified about how much the government inefficiently spent on stimulus checks needs to be equally horrified about how much the government spent on tax cuts for businesses and higher income earners a few years ago as well.

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