The most important number in achieving financial independence is your savings rate, which is just how much money you have left every month after paying all your bills. To that end, I’m sharing this online spreadsheet that will calculate your…
Category: Financial Independence
Investors in the stock market can either be prescient or lucky sometimes and occasionally time the top or bottom of the stock market during certain periods, but nobody can consistently time the highs and lows over an extended period of…
Net worth is the value of all the assets you own minus all the debt you have. According to an article from Business Insider last year, the net worth of the average millennial is about $8,000. People born between 1980…
Wealth is the freedom and ability to choose what to do with your time.
“The more pleasure you seek, the more unhappy you get. Las Vegas, Madison Avenue, Wall Street, Silicon Valley and Washington D.C. have very specifically and in a coordinated fashion, confused and conflated the term happiness with the term pleasure, so…
The couple referenced in the link below graduated college in 2008 and earned $50,000 combined in their first year as teachers. After 8 years, they were earning $100,000/year combined and were saving about 80% of their income, which they mostly…
The Man: Do you know how people with hoards of money get to have those hoards of money? They make some money, and then they don’t spend it all. They keep some each time it comes in, and they use it to…