Clearly He Cannot Lose

I’m not always right, but I like to think that I usually am. I like to believe I’m usually one of the more smarter people in the room and take great delight in analyzing and evaluating a problem or situation better than anyone else, so when I was certain that Trump had no chance of winning the presidency in 2016, I was astonished like practically everyone else on election night. The thing you need to remember about 2016 was that Trump very narrowly won the presidency. 11,000 votes in Michigan, 22,000 votes in Wisconsin and 47,000 votes in Pennsylvania was enough to propel him to victory. Trump definitely outperformed in relation to where most experts thought he would finish in 2016, but he still could not categorically crush a very inadequate Hillary Clinton. Four years later in 2020, Trump is once again trailing in the polls, this time by more than the last election and half the country is petrified they’re seeing the same movie play out again and the other half is salivating for their king to re-ascend to the throne.

All things are possible. Not all things are probable.

Some people may disagree, but I think the average person is rational. I believe most people have common sense. Putting Trump’s policies and politics aside, any objective person of sound mind who’s watched him these past four years knows he is delusional, egomaniacal, paranoid, dangerous, unqualified, incompetent and a charlatan. And those are probably the nicer things that could be said about him. It’s undeniably evident Trump is just a reprehensible human being and I strongly believe the average rational person can clearly see that.

I understand that to some people in 2016 Trump was an appealing theory. An enticing idea to burn the house down and blow up the system but the majority of those voters today must be looking at what’s occurred these past four years and telling themselves, “This is f******* insane”.

I’m not going out on a limb by saying Donald Trump will not be re-elected. In fact, that’s probably thee most obvious and extremely likely outcome. What’s less certain is how much Biden will win by but I emphatically believe there will be an incredibly strong repudiation of everything that has transpired over the last four years and that Trump will resoundingly lose to Biden.

Of course I can be wrong again. In which case, I would be even more surprised than last time, but with everything that the world has witnessed since 2016, if Donald Trump still somehow manages to win the election fair and square, then that is clearly the direction this country wants to go in. Even if he were to just eke out an electoral college victory again and lose the popular vote, that’s enough for me to say Trump should be president for life or for as long as he desires. If he wishes to establish a monarchy or declare himself emperor, I’d be down for that because clearly he cannot lose.

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Rebeca Ramirez
Rebeca Ramirez
3 years ago

I thought Trump lost the popular vote and won the Electoral votes. Hence how he became President.

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