[Foles’] execution and taking over the kills and the calls was pretty special. He was out there ad-libbing a bit, for sure. Checking and changing some plays. There was like one play called and I’m like, ‘we have that? https://sportsmockery.com/2020/09/this-jimmy-graham-quote-is-pretty-damning-of-mitch-trubisky/…
Year: 2020
The couple referenced in the link below graduated college in 2008 and earned $50,000 combined in their first year as teachers. After 8 years, they were earning $100,000/year combined and were saving about 80% of their income, which they mostly…
For future reference.
The Man: Do you know how people with hoards of money get to have those hoards of money? They make some money, and then they don’t spend it all. They keep some each time it comes in, and they use it to…
Where are the people protesting the murder of this 8-year old? If a police officer kills a minority, people want to set the city on fire. If a child is killed by a criminal, nobody riots in the streets.
Wish they had these offers when I was a broke college kid.
“There is no such thing as a free refinance,” Orman says. “You will either pay closing costs — which can be a few percentage points of your loan cost — or a higher interest rate.”